CLIMAE metaprogramme
Going forward

The big idea at the heart of CLIMAE

Foresight study through to 2050
The CLIMAE metaprogramme (Agriculture and forestry in the face of climate change: adaptation and mitigation), launched in 2021 by INRAE, aims to prepare the agri-food and forestry sector by considering the issues of adaptation and mitigation simultaneously. It proposes three lines of research and a prospective reflection.

This structured approach to thinking about the future will meet the need to identify the research questions that will be relevant in the context of transformed agri-food and forestry systems, by helping scientists to anticipate the future. It will also address the many existing uncertainties (several possible climate and socio-economic scenarios).

Indeed, a limitation of existing forecasts (e.g. Afterres, Tyfa, etc.) is that they generally focus on one of the two issues (adaptation or mitigation). Some of them are sectoral, often not spatially explicit, with little consideration of interaction effects (between changes in water availability and crop production, between crop and animal production, etc.).

The objective of the proposed foresight project is to build a range of scenarios for French agriculture and forestry, and the associated processing industries, in response to the climate challenge, in terms of both adaptation and mitigation, from now to 2050.

This project will mobilise the INRAE CLIMAE Metaprogramme and the INRAE Directorate for Expertise, Foresight and Advanced Studies (DEPE). 


Modification date: 23 June 2023 | Publication date: 14 July 2021 | By: CLIMAE