CLIMAE metaprogramme
Get involved

Get involved

The CLIMAE metaprogramme is not an additional funding window, but a programme to 'go beyond' traditional programmes. Metaprogrammes aim to develop transdisciplinary approaches in order to respond, through research, to socio-economic or scientific challenges, to strengthen the impact and coherence of research and to promote and facilitate national and international partnerships.

S'impliquer dans CLIMAE

How to participate in the CLIMAE metaprogramme

The financial resources allocated to the metaprogramme are distributed exclusively to INRAE units (independent or mixed), but other French, European or international organisations are welcome to join INRAE teams in the projects at their own expense.

The metaprogrammes aim to coordinate the mobilisation of expertise on these topics within INRAE, but they must be based on multiple visions and complementary approaches, while involving a broad scientific community. CLIMAE is based on an interdisciplinary scientific network.

If you wish to participate, do not hesitate to contact the INRAE team working on your topics.

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