Agriculture and forestry in the face of climate change: adaptation and mitigation


In order to mitigate the consequences of climate change, in a context of developing agro-ecology and preserving natural resources, the CLIMAE metaprogramme proposes strategies for adapting the agriculture and forestry sectors in territories, and for mitigation.

In addition to studying the impact of climate change and making recommendations concerning existing systems, CLIMAE sheds light on global transformation scenarios that combine issues related to food and to the energy transition.

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Resultats des derniers projets ACCAF

10 August 2023


Results of the latest ACCAF projects

The different research teams supported by the “Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture and Forestry” (ACCAF) metaprogramme during its last call for projects (AMI2017) have presented their progress and deliverables.

10 August 2023


Genetic diversity in grasslands: an ally for adaptation to climate change

Is it possible to adapt our plants confronted with climate change? INRAE researchers as coordinators of the European GrassLandscape project believe that grasslands, which are widespread ecosystems in Europe, hold the answer to that question in their plant genes. These plants have been sampled and kept in collections for over 40 years by our researchers, who worked with researchers from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), and used these collections to identify genes that could support adaptation to future climate change. Their results were published on 11th March in Molecular Ecology Resources, and highlighted 374 genes potentially involved in this adaptation.
The LACCAVE project is coming to an end after ten years of work on the adaptation of viticulture to climate change. Since 2012, this project – which was financed and coordinated by INRAE, and carried out in partnership with the CNRS, universities, the Institut Agro and Bordeaux Sciences Agro, as well as the main organisations in the sector, i.e. the INAO, FranceAgriMer, the Chambers of Agriculture, the IFV, inter-professional associations and the organisations protecting the designations of origin – has brought together around a hundred researchers to study the conditions for adaptation to climate change in the wine sector.
photo d'un étal de fruits
The book “Fruit production in a changing climate”, coordinated by Jean-Michel Legave, has been published by Quae. Fruit production in temperate climates plays a key role in our diet and comes from a wide variety of crops that often only grow in regions with specific climatic conditions.